Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Well, I don't know about you but I have been hot all summer!
It has been 100 degrees plus almost all summer and I have this fur coat attached to me. MFM had all that hair cut off a couple of months ago, but it grew back quickly. I like to stay indoors , where it is cool, most of the time. Sometimes I surprise her when I balk at going inside and just lie down on the grass and refuse to move. Then she tethers me outside for a little while and I watch the birds and squirrels running free.
It is hard not to be able to explore the country side on my own, but I have to admit I love the food and cuddles.
Now, it appears that I will be working for my keep. Well, not really "working." but "volunteering." We have completed all the training and almost all the paperwork, now we just have to wait on our credentials and badges so we can get to "work."
We plan to volunteer to visit people whose spirits need a lift and they are not able to get out much. We also plan to volunteer with the R.E.A.D. prorgam in the schools. I practiced with Kyah while we were in  in St Louis and I practiced with Abs when she visited me last weekend.
It was a really interesting book at first.
Abs showed me the pictures and I helped her keep her place.

Posted by PicasaI don't know who enjoyed it more.
It really was an interesting story and there were some nice pictures, but I was tired and there were no pictures of dogs....<Yawwwwnnn>