MFM was told I was a Cockapoo but, of course, no one really knows.....or cares....
The way I lie down flat with my legs splayed out behind me brings chuckles and ideas that it is a trait of Lhasa Apsos....and it is also seen in Cocker Spaniels, and other breeds. I think it is just because I like to cool my belly and rest my hips. I keep everyone entertained by running at break-neck speed and, at the last minute, flattening my body to coast in, landing in position. Saves time. Don't have to turn in circles and find just the right spot. Any old spot will do.
Another trait the chatting humans notice is my underbite.
This is also a trait of Lhasa Apsos and Shih Tzus.

Here is photo of Cockapoos I found on the Internet. Hmmmm....there are some differences..... These guys look a lot like my friend, Sammy.
Here is an Internet photo of a Lhasa-Poo puppy
And here is a photo of a Shih-Poo
I definitely have Poodle hair and hardly shed. I have not really found any other dogs that look just like me, so I guess that makes me an original. All that really matters is that I am lovable, smart, fun, cute, gregarious, and obedient (well, most of the time :)
Who do you think I am?
They look a lot like Sammy!