Not only am I a "Scoundrel" with a capital "S", I am a burr-ridden Scoundrel!
How was I supposed to know that a delightful, free-living roll in dead grass would mean I was doomed to carry my weight in grass burrs? MFM has brushed and combed and picked at me until I rebelled, but there are still thousands of burrs caught in my hair.
My hair is not the kind that sheds and pulls out easily. My hair is one of the poodle traits I have and one that MFM wanted so I wouldn't be shedding all over. The down side is that I have to have it trimmed or it just keeps growing and I get fluffier and fluffier. That is a good thing in the winter but in the summer it is very hot and, as I have just experienced, it catches everything that passes by.
Woe is me. I an destined to be brushed frequently and de-burred constantly until they are all gone. I have an appointment at the groomer on Wednesday so maybe they can just cut all those burrs out.
I am off for a nap.....
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