Yippeeee!! My letter finally came and we are now a registered pet partner team!
Pet Partner Teams can visit people just to make them happy. For instance - an older person living in an assisted living facility might have had a pet all her / his life but now it is not allowed. I can visit and bring some joy for a little bit of time.
We get a badge and everything. There is still more to do though.
We needed this letter so we can register as a R.E.A.D. team. That means I can go to the library and the schools and have the children read to me. I am hoping to make the first big extravaganza on November 12th at the library. Just have to see if MFM is back from her trip because she has to take me. Also, there are more papers and things to fill out to be in that program.
A hassle? Well, a little bit but I am hoping it will be worth it.
I will let you know.....meanwhile, I am off to the dog park after we deliver a meal to a recuperating friend.
The story of a dog rescued from a "high-kill" shelter. What is life like through his eyes? What happens after he leaves the trauma behind bars and enters a loving home? This is life from Trip's point of view.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Well, I don't know about you but I have been hot all summer!
It has been 100 degrees plus almost all summer and I have this fur coat attached to me. MFM had all that hair cut off a couple of months ago, but it grew back quickly. I like to stay indoors , where it is cool, most of the time. Sometimes I surprise her when I balk at going inside and just lie down on the grass and refuse to move. Then she tethers me outside for a little while and I watch the birds and squirrels running free.
It is hard not to be able to explore the country side on my own, but I have to admit I love the food and cuddles.
Now, it appears that I will be working for my keep. Well, not really "working." but "volunteering." We have completed all the training and almost all the paperwork, now we just have to wait on our credentials and badges so we can get to "work."
We plan to volunteer to visit people whose spirits need a lift and they are not able to get out much. We also plan to volunteer with the R.E.A.D. prorgam in the schools. I practiced with Kyah while we were in in St Louis and I practiced with Abs when she visited me last weekend.
It was a really interesting book at first.Abs showed me the pictures and I helped her keep her place.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Burrrrr - It's Summer
Not only am I a "Scoundrel" with a capital "S", I am a burr-ridden Scoundrel!
How was I supposed to know that a delightful, free-living roll in dead grass would mean I was doomed to carry my weight in grass burrs? MFM has brushed and combed and picked at me until I rebelled, but there are still thousands of burrs caught in my hair.
My hair is not the kind that sheds and pulls out easily. My hair is one of the poodle traits I have and one that MFM wanted so I wouldn't be shedding all over. The down side is that I have to have it trimmed or it just keeps growing and I get fluffier and fluffier. That is a good thing in the winter but in the summer it is very hot and, as I have just experienced, it catches everything that passes by.
Woe is me. I an destined to be brushed frequently and de-burred constantly until they are all gone. I have an appointment at the groomer on Wednesday so maybe they can just cut all those burrs out.
I am off for a nap.....
How was I supposed to know that a delightful, free-living roll in dead grass would mean I was doomed to carry my weight in grass burrs? MFM has brushed and combed and picked at me until I rebelled, but there are still thousands of burrs caught in my hair.
My hair is not the kind that sheds and pulls out easily. My hair is one of the poodle traits I have and one that MFM wanted so I wouldn't be shedding all over. The down side is that I have to have it trimmed or it just keeps growing and I get fluffier and fluffier. That is a good thing in the winter but in the summer it is very hot and, as I have just experienced, it catches everything that passes by.
Woe is me. I an destined to be brushed frequently and de-burred constantly until they are all gone. I have an appointment at the groomer on Wednesday so maybe they can just cut all those burrs out.
I am off for a nap.....
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Delta Test
I passed!!
It was so much fun! All those people wandering around, petting me, making noise, and I got a treat at the end.
Yippee! I can visit people who just need to smile.....as soon as I can get all the paperwork done.
It was so much fun! All those people wandering around, petting me, making noise, and I got a treat at the end.
Yippee! I can visit people who just need to smile.....as soon as I can get all the paperwork done.
Comings and Goings
I am back home and catching up on my sleep!
We went to St Louis (STL) when Charlie and David A. stayed with us. I really enjoyed the attention and even more when we got to STL and met up with Kyah, Liam, and their dog, Fredie. They first named the dog Freddy and renamed him when "he" turned out to be a "she." We played chase, fetch, etc,. and I learned how to go down the big slide at the park.
MFM and I only spent three days when we returned home before we headed off to Colorado Springs to visit the military branch of the family and their dog, Sammy. I don't know why everyone was nervous about my invading Sammy's territory, he remembered me from last time and we spent the entire visit wrestling. MFM can't figure out why we prefer each other's food to our own, but I keep that tidbit a secret. Our entire stay was like the daily time I spend at the dog park!
MFM and Korin went for a hot air balloon ride that ended our daily walks for a while when the balloon had a HARD crash landing. MFM was on crutches for a few days and still has to check back in with the doctor.
We headed back home in time to greet our visitors from STL. Lots of children to play with and things to do. They were careful to keep their toys out of reach after they discovered I could macerate them in short order. I got to practice being a "Read Dog" when Kyah invited me to sit with her while she "read" a book to me. I think I kinda' like that,
Everyone has gone home now and MFM and I have been alone since yesterday. We are resting up for the next group scheduled to visit in a couple of weeks. Today is the big day - my "Delta Test" - to see if I get to register to visit nursing homes, shut-ins, and reading programs in the schools. I think I am ready.....
We went to St Louis (STL) when Charlie and David A. stayed with us. I really enjoyed the attention and even more when we got to STL and met up with Kyah, Liam, and their dog, Fredie. They first named the dog Freddy and renamed him when "he" turned out to be a "she." We played chase, fetch, etc,. and I learned how to go down the big slide at the park.
MFM and I only spent three days when we returned home before we headed off to Colorado Springs to visit the military branch of the family and their dog, Sammy. I don't know why everyone was nervous about my invading Sammy's territory, he remembered me from last time and we spent the entire visit wrestling. MFM can't figure out why we prefer each other's food to our own, but I keep that tidbit a secret. Our entire stay was like the daily time I spend at the dog park!
MFM and Korin went for a hot air balloon ride that ended our daily walks for a while when the balloon had a HARD crash landing. MFM was on crutches for a few days and still has to check back in with the doctor.
We headed back home in time to greet our visitors from STL. Lots of children to play with and things to do. They were careful to keep their toys out of reach after they discovered I could macerate them in short order. I got to practice being a "Read Dog" when Kyah invited me to sit with her while she "read" a book to me. I think I kinda' like that,
Everyone has gone home now and MFM and I have been alone since yesterday. We are resting up for the next group scheduled to visit in a couple of weeks. Today is the big day - my "Delta Test" - to see if I get to register to visit nursing homes, shut-ins, and reading programs in the schools. I think I am ready.....
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Training Session - Saturday Shopping
Here is a photo of some of my buddies and me in the advanced dog training class. All in this group have passed the Canine Good Citizen test.
Have you ever wondered what things look like from our point of view? Well, here is a small example - plenty of feet wandering around in the shoe store. Well, thank goodness our humans have only two feet to worry about, Otherwise, it could be very crowded. Oh, BTW, we had permission to visit the stores and our people were very careful to see that we behaved appropriately.

Saturday we went to the local shopping area to practice our socialization skills in preparation for the upcoming Delta Dog Test. After we pass, we will be allowed to visit schools, nursing homes, or any place there is a need for people to dog interaction. Of course, it is as much about the handlers' control as it is the dogs' behavior. Apparently, there are other animals that can visit as well - cats, bunnies, and others. I just like to concentrate on my doggie friemds.
Have you ever wondered what things look like from our point of view? Well, here is a small example - plenty of feet wandering around in the shoe store. Well, thank goodness our humans have only two feet to worry about, Otherwise, it could be very crowded. Oh, BTW, we had permission to visit the stores and our people were very careful to see that we behaved appropriately.
This was my first time to see a mirror at my eye level. At first, I wondered who was trying to sneak into my territory, then I saw a friendly face. A pretty handsome fellow.
We finally visited a place with pizazz.....the local Pet Smart. I got to look at the toys, but all MFM said was "Leave it!" I have to admit to a little bit of pouting.....
My second favorite part of the store is the aisle with food! I sniffed it all and sometimes, if I time it just right and scrunch way down, I can find a morsel or two right under the shelf.
I didn't have my picture made at Office Depot. I totally embarrassed MFM by pooping on the floor. She was very quick, scooped it up with handy bag she always carries, then got tissues to finish the job from another doggie handler. MFM is now talking about having to revert to a "diaper bag" type device to carry more essentials.....Whoops. On top of it all, MFM bought a new "dinger" bell for me. She thought maybe the other one, from a game, was too hard to ring. She has decided that ringing the bell will be my "trick" to demonstrate at graduation since I am not learning to pick up my toys.....yet.
PS = Thanks to my instructor, NYRuth for the photos!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
It is Memorial Day and MFM got me all dolled up to attend the annual ceremony. I even had a bath this morning but she couldn't get all the burrs out of my hair.
The annual Memorial Day ceremony is well attended in our community so we had to go an hour early and take our own chair. There must have been a thousand people there and most of them were veterans. There were probably 200 or so WWII Vets and you don't see these guys so much anymore.
I got to play with a little boy sitting next to me but he freaked out when I licked the nozzle on his camelback water supply. I don't know what all the excitement was about, he was licking it too! Fortunately, MFM had brought water and a bowl for me. I did not share with the boy.
I got a little bored with all the talking but I enjoyed the band and seeing the flags flapping in the breeze. I would have enjoyed chasing a few birds but I was not allowed. MFM keeps reminding me that I am in training to be a therapy dog. Seems like therapy dogs miss out on a lot of fun things.
One interesting thing I noticed was the color guards. They had 4 of each from the Fire Department, the Jr ROTC, and the county EMS. The ROTC carried guns, the Fire Department carried shiny new hatchets, but the EMS did not carry anything to protect the flags. I wonder....could they carry hypodermic needles?
I was well behaved except for a little whining when I got bored. MFM should have taken a chew toy / treat for me. I was very happy to get home to my cool house.

I greatly appreciate all the military people, and military dogs, who serve to keep our country free and the enemy away from our shores...... I certainly don't know of any cats that are helping out!
The annual Memorial Day ceremony is well attended in our community so we had to go an hour early and take our own chair. There must have been a thousand people there and most of them were veterans. There were probably 200 or so WWII Vets and you don't see these guys so much anymore.
I got to play with a little boy sitting next to me but he freaked out when I licked the nozzle on his camelback water supply. I don't know what all the excitement was about, he was licking it too! Fortunately, MFM had brought water and a bowl for me. I did not share with the boy.
I got a little bored with all the talking but I enjoyed the band and seeing the flags flapping in the breeze. I would have enjoyed chasing a few birds but I was not allowed. MFM keeps reminding me that I am in training to be a therapy dog. Seems like therapy dogs miss out on a lot of fun things.
One interesting thing I noticed was the color guards. They had 4 of each from the Fire Department, the Jr ROTC, and the county EMS. The ROTC carried guns, the Fire Department carried shiny new hatchets, but the EMS did not carry anything to protect the flags. I wonder....could they carry hypodermic needles?
I was well behaved except for a little whining when I got bored. MFM should have taken a chew toy / treat for me. I was very happy to get home to my cool house.
I greatly appreciate all the military people, and military dogs, who serve to keep our country free and the enemy away from our shores...... I certainly don't know of any cats that are helping out!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I Promise to Love, Cherish, and.....Obey!?
My new training class has started!Today we took a walk down one of the trails but it was no ordinary walk. I tried to put my nose to the ground and smell everything, as I always do, but MFM said I wasn't a bloodhound and I needed to pay attention. Periodically, we stopped and rested, had to "sit" for 2 minutes, "down" for a time, had other dogs and their handlers wandering in and around us, and other such chaos that I had to rouse out of bed early to partake in. Well, yes, it was fun too! ....and I got GOOD treats!!
NYRUTH, the instructor, announced in front of the whole class that I was not being the class clown like I was last week. HA! I wallowed in the loose dirt to show her that I was still very capable.
One of the expectations of this course is that we will learn a trick to perform at the end of the course. It has to be something I do not already know. I can shake hands, choose a toy, play fetch, am courteous about waiting to be invited into and out of the car and house, as well as the basic obedience commands. What more could anyone want? Well, MFM wants to teach me to put my toys away! That's no trick! The trick is to get them out as fast as she can put them away, and I have that mastered. We will see how this goes.
NYRUTH, the instructor, announced in front of the whole class that I was not being the class clown like I was last week. HA! I wallowed in the loose dirt to show her that I was still very capable.
One of the expectations of this course is that we will learn a trick to perform at the end of the course. It has to be something I do not already know. I can shake hands, choose a toy, play fetch, am courteous about waiting to be invited into and out of the car and house, as well as the basic obedience commands. What more could anyone want? Well, MFM wants to teach me to put my toys away! That's no trick! The trick is to get them out as fast as she can put them away, and I have that mastered. We will see how this goes.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Beauty and the Scoundrel
MFM and I went to Houston Easter Sunday and returned home Monday evening. We stopped at the dog park so I could run and play, but it was late (about 6:30 PM) and none of my friends were there.
The evening was stll bright and there was a cool breeze chasing the day's heat away. Surprisingly, a new dog showed up about 7 PM. Her name is Emmy and she was a real looker! She is a Labrodoodle with fluffy, rich apricot-colored fur. OOOOhhhh....she is so cute. I taught her how to run and play because these were new surroundings for her. She will be taking Beginning obedience lessons so maybe I will see her in passing since I am in the Advanced Class. She is only four months old and already about my size.
Life is good.
The evening was stll bright and there was a cool breeze chasing the day's heat away. Surprisingly, a new dog showed up about 7 PM. Her name is Emmy and she was a real looker! She is a Labrodoodle with fluffy, rich apricot-colored fur. OOOOhhhh....she is so cute. I taught her how to run and play because these were new surroundings for her. She will be taking Beginning obedience lessons so maybe I will see her in passing since I am in the Advanced Class. She is only four months old and already about my size.
Life is good.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Trip - In & Out of the Bag
MFM was told by one fellow that I could ride the trolley without a problem. The next guy said I would have to be in a "cage" to ride the trolley. We took a chance and rode without incident.
MFM put me in her shopping bag and only left my head sticking out so I would look smaller. I was very quiet and tried not to move too much even though it was kinda' cramped and hot. We boarded the trolley and rode without any problems.
Cate got a glimpse of me on her video that I will post later. I was happy when MFM let me out of the bag after the trolley ride. A classic case of letting the dog out of the bag?
MFM is learning how to travel with me. I am a good companion and San Antonio is a dog friendly town!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Celebrating the Alamo
I got to go along on the car trip to San Antonio. It was delightful to sit in the middle seat and have Cate & Mary Ellen make a fuss over me. I LOVED it and it made the long ride more enjoyable.
We saw a LOT of things and I wondered if Austin's motto of"Keep Austin Weird" shouldn't be applied to San Antonio. This lady and her hat were quite colorful.
Of course, I could not go into many of the places in San Antonio, but I still found them very accommodating and I was on my really best behavior so there would not be a problem. I knew I could not enter the Alamo or the grounds, so MFM and I walked across the street to the Visitor's Center to get information. They welcomed me in there and we learned about what was available in town. MFM bought tickets to ride all day long on the trolley and bus. They could take us all over town and to the missions. We parked near the Alamo so we would not have a long way to walk and would be able to easily find our car at the end of the day. It had the added advantage of being accessible if we forgot anything and we had snacks and drinks in the car.
The celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Alamo was in full swing, so there were several opportunities available. We arrived just as the Navy was demonstrating some uses of canine warriors. They were amazing! I got the best seat in the house to watch them - under the chair of a sailor. Those dogs would respond immediately to the handler's commands. They were precise and orderly just like their handlers and all they got in return was was a pat on the head. They deserved some REAL treats. I wonder if MFM was taking note.
This dog attacked on command.... |
....then took the arm protector right off the guy. |
Another attack! |
Now this guy understands "Down!" "Stay!" |
"Sit" and pay attention. I have seen how the "pros" do it, so I have a lot to live up to. My advanced classes start on April 30th. I have an idea MFM will be expecting a lot from me. |
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Kool Doggie
It was a hot day yesterday but we had a gentle breeze and shade that made everything comfortable. It also helps that I have had a haircut. All my beautiful, fluffy hair gone, but I am sooo cool now!
I have been showing our visitors from California around town and visiting some other Texas places.....Llano, Fredericksburg, and Luckenbach. Today we will visit San Antonio especially to see The Alamo. I am behaving very well and I am a people magnet. That is fun, but MFM makes sure I behave even when big dogs come close. One woman picked up her little, yappy, white dog and stuck him right in my face. That dog even licked my face! MFM said she was proud of me for sitting quietly in the very face of adversity. "Adversity? That's a funny name for a dog, but I will have to admit it fit her nobly."
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A Snake's Rattle
When MFM was training another dog several years ago, she accidentally learned to train it to potty on command. Now, I have learned to do that and itt makes her so happy. It also might have saved my life!
MFM sometimes lets me out in the yard if it is still dark outside and she can't see any deer, squirrels, armadillos, or other animals. This night I was busy smelling when MFM started calling to me frantically, trying to rush me through my business. I decided to mostly ignore her and take my own sweet time....it's those wonderful smells in the yard that keep me busy. I learned later that she had heard the rattling of a rattlesnake just off the porch at the side of the house. It was a warm evening and rattlesnakes are common around here, so it just might have been a warning from a rattlesnake. D.A., who is knowledgeable beyond his chronological, 9 years, explained that rat snakes often shake their bodies in dry leaves and fool people into thinking they are something they are not, but MFM was sure dry leaves were not in the equation.
Everything was fine, but we learned that some other dogs get a vaccine for rattlesnakes. It does not solve the problem, but it might provide a little more time in case of an attack. MFM seems to feel sure I will be sniffing out a snake anytime and she is probably right.
I found this information on the "Ark Animals" site:
Pet Rattlesnake Vaccine
Rattlesnake vaccinations are available for some pets. The canine vaccine remains controversial but is safer than antivenin treatment. Protective antibodies are created in your pet so that when bit, the vaccine starts neutralizing venom immediately.
According to Red Rock Biologics, manufacturers of a rattlesnake vaccine, the antibody levels in recently vaccinated dogs are comparable to treatment with three vials of antivenin. So, although canines still need emergency veterinary treatment, they should experience less pain and a reduced risk of permanent injury from the rattlesnake bite. The Red Rock Biologics vaccine has been available nationwide since December of 2004.
If you decide to have your pet vaccinated, the first inoculation will require that the animal receive two doses of vaccine spaced one month apart. Subsequent boosters are recommended annually in the about a month before you take your dog into rattlesnake habitat.
Snakebites are always an emergency. Even if your dog is vaccinated against rattlesnake venom, always get the pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible following any snakebite. Even non-venomous snake bites can lead to serious infections and antibiotic treatment may be needed. A veterinarian can determine what additional treatment is needed.
Concerns have been raised by experts, including the University of California at Davis. One problem with the vaccine is that there are well over 15 differing species of rattlesnakes in America and the different venoms affect the body differently. So, one vaccine will not protect against all the different venoms.
The second debate is that the antibodies may not be adequate in the event of severe envenomation and may not neutralize the venom effectively. Finally, the individual animals may not receive sufficient protection depending on its response to the vaccine and the time elapsed since the vaccine. Canines can also react adversely to the vaccine.
MFM sometimes lets me out in the yard if it is still dark outside and she can't see any deer, squirrels, armadillos, or other animals. This night I was busy smelling when MFM started calling to me frantically, trying to rush me through my business. I decided to mostly ignore her and take my own sweet time....it's those wonderful smells in the yard that keep me busy. I learned later that she had heard the rattling of a rattlesnake just off the porch at the side of the house. It was a warm evening and rattlesnakes are common around here, so it just might have been a warning from a rattlesnake. D.A., who is knowledgeable beyond his chronological, 9 years, explained that rat snakes often shake their bodies in dry leaves and fool people into thinking they are something they are not, but MFM was sure dry leaves were not in the equation.
Everything was fine, but we learned that some other dogs get a vaccine for rattlesnakes. It does not solve the problem, but it might provide a little more time in case of an attack. MFM seems to feel sure I will be sniffing out a snake anytime and she is probably right.
I found this information on the "Ark Animals" site:
Pet Rattlesnake Vaccine
Rattlesnake vaccinations are available for some pets. The canine vaccine remains controversial but is safer than antivenin treatment. Protective antibodies are created in your pet so that when bit, the vaccine starts neutralizing venom immediately.
According to Red Rock Biologics, manufacturers of a rattlesnake vaccine, the antibody levels in recently vaccinated dogs are comparable to treatment with three vials of antivenin. So, although canines still need emergency veterinary treatment, they should experience less pain and a reduced risk of permanent injury from the rattlesnake bite. The Red Rock Biologics vaccine has been available nationwide since December of 2004.
If you decide to have your pet vaccinated, the first inoculation will require that the animal receive two doses of vaccine spaced one month apart. Subsequent boosters are recommended annually in the about a month before you take your dog into rattlesnake habitat.
Snakebites are always an emergency. Even if your dog is vaccinated against rattlesnake venom, always get the pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible following any snakebite. Even non-venomous snake bites can lead to serious infections and antibiotic treatment may be needed. A veterinarian can determine what additional treatment is needed.
Concerns have been raised by experts, including the University of California at Davis. One problem with the vaccine is that there are well over 15 differing species of rattlesnakes in America and the different venoms affect the body differently. So, one vaccine will not protect against all the different venoms.
The second debate is that the antibodies may not be adequate in the event of severe envenomation and may not neutralize the venom effectively. Finally, the individual animals may not receive sufficient protection depending on its response to the vaccine and the time elapsed since the vaccine. Canines can also react adversely to the vaccine.
Monday, April 4, 2011
I Am a Canine Good Citizen!
I sailed through the CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test with flying colors! It is now official - I can come when called, sit, down, stay, and heel. Not that I always do it, mind you, but I can when I am in the mood. My only problem with the test is that there were so many wonderful smells in the grass where we took the test and there were lots of other dogs, but I wasn't allowed to play with them.
MFM took me home and I got to enjoy a cup of "Frosty Paws", the doggie ice cream they gave me, but I saved the packet of carrots for later. I love them too (Thanks for the tip, Tia!).
I was exhausted afterward and slept until time for my romp at the dog park. What can I say? It's a dog's life!
MFM found this recipe online:
Frosty Paws Dog Ice Cream Recipe
32 oz. plain yogurt
1 mashed banana
2 T p'nut butter
2 T honey
It’s true dairy products aren’t good for dogs, but yogurt contains much less lactase than regular milk and the live cultures are great for your dog’s digestive system. This dog ice cream recipe is delicious and good for your pet!
1. Mix all these ingredients in your blender, then dump into ice cube trays, paper cups, or even a kong toy to freeze and serve.
MFM took me home and I got to enjoy a cup of "Frosty Paws", the doggie ice cream they gave me, but I saved the packet of carrots for later. I love them too (Thanks for the tip, Tia!).
I was exhausted afterward and slept until time for my romp at the dog park. What can I say? It's a dog's life!
MFM found this recipe online:
Frosty Paws Dog Ice Cream Recipe
32 oz. plain yogurt
1 mashed banana
2 T p'nut butter
2 T honey
It’s true dairy products aren’t good for dogs, but yogurt contains much less lactase than regular milk and the live cultures are great for your dog’s digestive system. This dog ice cream recipe is delicious and good for your pet!
1. Mix all these ingredients in your blender, then dump into ice cube trays, paper cups, or even a kong toy to freeze and serve.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Mock CGC - Follow-up
YIPPEE!! I passed the practice test with flying colors.!
MFM took me on a 3 mile walk in the morning and the test was at noon. She thought I would not be so hyper after a long walk and she was right. I was able to concentrate and please. NOW - the REAL test will be on April 2nd.
MFM took me on a 3 mile walk in the morning and the test was at noon. She thought I would not be so hyper after a long walk and she was right. I was able to concentrate and please. NOW - the REAL test will be on April 2nd.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Mock CGC - Getting Ready
I had so much fun in St. Louis, in spite of the snow, sleet, rain, and hot weather. And that was all just in one week! The children, ages 4 & 6, thought it was fun to play with me and their dog, Fredie, played a little bit, but mostly just tolerated me. She did share her backyard and I showed her how clever I was by immediately finding a way to get under the fence into the garden at the house next door. It was so fun at both houses with places to dig, sticks to carry, and squirrels to chase. I hope we get to go back very soon.
I have been busy since our return from St. Louis. MFM insists on practicing the things we learn at doggie school obedience classes. I think I am getting better at listening. I am also getting better at shaking hands. This coming Saturday is our mock Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test and the next week is the real thing. It will be my first step in becoming a therapy dog. I think I will enjoy visiting people but I don't think I am ready to lie down and listen to children read stories for 2 hours.
These are the things we have to do:
I have been busy since our return from St. Louis. MFM insists on practicing the things we learn at doggie school obedience classes. I think I am getting better at listening. I am also getting better at shaking hands. This coming Saturday is our mock Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test and the next week is the real thing. It will be my first step in becoming a therapy dog. I think I will enjoy visiting people but I don't think I am ready to lie down and listen to children read stories for 2 hours.
These are the things we have to do:
- Accepting a friendly stranger - Shake hands, no shyness, not jump or lunge, handler shows control of dog
- Sit politely for petting - Start in sitting position, stay at owner's side in sit or stand, can't pull away, pet, circle
- Appearance and grooming - Sit or stand; comb / brushes dog; lightly examines ears and picks up feet
- Out for a walk - Owner has control. right & about turn, one stop, need not sit at stop
- Walking through a crowd - Walk through 3 people, may show some interest, slight sniff, not hide behind handler
- Sit and Down on command / stay in place - Sit on command; down on command.Attach a 20 foot lead with dog in sit or down position, walk to end of lead and back to dog. Dog must stay in place, not in position.
- Come when called - 20 foot lead attached, dog in sit, down, or stand position, (does not fail if follows; redirect), at end of 20 ft, call dog (3 attempts o.k.)) pass if dog comes; fail if passes or reeled in.
- Reaction to another dog - 2 dogs / handlers 15 feet apart. Walk to each other, stop shake hands, exchange "hi", walk on. Dog can't pass mid line or go to follow other dog.
- Reaction to distractions - One visual in front and one sound behind. may startle but regain composure
- Supervised separation - out of sight for 3 minutes. Cannot continually bark, whine, show stress, pull
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Settling in St Louis
Taking a tip from our visit with ABW's Sammy, we met K3, children, and their dog Fredie, at the local park. It took a while, but Fredie finally warmed up to me.
Back at Fredie's house, I showed her how submissive I am. I stole her toys and she actually let me play with them. I laid down on her bed and she paced but didn't murder me, although MFM made me give it up. All in all, the socialization experience was quite succesful. We played all evening until I was so tired that I put myself to bed. I am happy to be in my nice warm crate because it is snowing outside right now!
Back at Fredie's house, I showed her how submissive I am. I stole her toys and she actually let me play with them. I laid down on her bed and she paced but didn't murder me, although MFM made me give it up. All in all, the socialization experience was quite succesful. We played all evening until I was so tired that I put myself to bed. I am happy to be in my nice warm crate because it is snowing outside right now!
A Trip with "Trip"
MFM packed the car, including my crate, special blanket, leashes, food, food and water dishes, bottle of water, and treats.
"Just like having a small child," she muttered.
We spent an exhausting hour at doggie obedience school and I did quite well. MFM strapped me into my very own seat belt and we were off.
We drove all day and into the night but I slept a lot because I was so tired. There was a tremendous amount of traffic around Ft. Worth and we slowed to a crawl. I am able to move around a little in my seat belt so I checked out the scenery. MFM put my window down so I could interact with all the passing people. I don't bark, mind you, but I do like to look. I checked things out when MFM turned on the blinker or slowed down, but she never did stop at the dog park. I wonder where it went.
We were on a toll road for a long time and I got really lucky when a nice lady at the booth gave us two doggie "cookies." MFM gave me one and set the other aside. When she stopped to get gas, I quietly snarfed the second one up!
We stopped for the night at a La Quinta Motel. We can always count on them to be very pet friendly. MFM put my special blanket down for me, right beside her bed and I slept like a lamb all night. We are leaving shortly and should reach our destination late this afternoon.
"Just like having a small child," she muttered.
We spent an exhausting hour at doggie obedience school and I did quite well. MFM strapped me into my very own seat belt and we were off.
We drove all day and into the night but I slept a lot because I was so tired. There was a tremendous amount of traffic around Ft. Worth and we slowed to a crawl. I am able to move around a little in my seat belt so I checked out the scenery. MFM put my window down so I could interact with all the passing people. I don't bark, mind you, but I do like to look. I checked things out when MFM turned on the blinker or slowed down, but she never did stop at the dog park. I wonder where it went.
We were on a toll road for a long time and I got really lucky when a nice lady at the booth gave us two doggie "cookies." MFM gave me one and set the other aside. When she stopped to get gas, I quietly snarfed the second one up!
We stopped for the night at a La Quinta Motel. We can always count on them to be very pet friendly. MFM put my special blanket down for me, right beside her bed and I slept like a lamb all night. We are leaving shortly and should reach our destination late this afternoon.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Bath Time
MFM called to me and I headed after her ....until I heard the water running in the tub. She was gone quite a while, the water stopped, and all was quiet except for her happy voice calling "Here, Trip! Come on, Boy." Sure it was a happy voice, but as time went on, it had an edge to it. I was hiding!
I do that sometimes, hide that is. She never finds my spot because I sneak out when she is not looking and just show up under her feet. Tonight was different....she finally found me. I was not about to move or come out, but she had some really good smelling treat that she was offering. Shucks! Just when I get everything smelling just right, she has to go and wash it all off. My odor was particularly nice today since they have been replenishing the cedar mulch at the dog park. I rolled in it! The good thing is that I get to snuggle up with MFM after I am clean.
Oh, well, I am clean and can now travel to St. Louis to see the grandchildren there. That's a lot of sitting, but we will make it. Leaving right after doggie school tomorrow.
I do that sometimes, hide that is. She never finds my spot because I sneak out when she is not looking and just show up under her feet. Tonight was different....she finally found me. I was not about to move or come out, but she had some really good smelling treat that she was offering. Shucks! Just when I get everything smelling just right, she has to go and wash it all off. My odor was particularly nice today since they have been replenishing the cedar mulch at the dog park. I rolled in it! The good thing is that I get to snuggle up with MFM after I am clean.
Oh, well, I am clean and can now travel to St. Louis to see the grandchildren there. That's a lot of sitting, but we will make it. Leaving right after doggie school tomorrow.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Turkey in the Yard
I don't bark very much. In fact, MFM thought I couldn't bark when she first got me because she did not hear me for a month! In truth, I learned at the dog park. I learn a lot of things at the dog park. Sometimes I have to leave early.
I did bark when I saw these wild turkeys saunter through my back yard. MFM refused to let me out to play. Bummer!
I did bark when I saw these wild turkeys saunter through my back yard. MFM refused to let me out to play. Bummer!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
On The Ball
I LOVE my Wiffle ball! It certainly is hard for MFM to keep the camera in the right place because I am so fast. Yeah!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who Do You Think I Am?
My parentage has a subject of much discussion at the dog park. Most of the people here have rescue dogs but they keep asking "What kind of do is that?" and point at me.
MFM was told I was a Cockapoo but, of course, no one really knows.....or cares....
The way I lie down flat with my legs splayed out behind me brings chuckles and ideas that it is a trait of Lhasa Apsos....and it is also seen in Cocker Spaniels, and other breeds. I think it is just because I like to cool my belly and rest my hips. I keep everyone entertained by running at break-neck speed and, at the last minute, flattening my body to coast in, landing in position. Saves time. Don't have to turn in circles and find just the right spot. Any old spot will do.

MFM was told I was a Cockapoo but, of course, no one really knows.....or cares....
The way I lie down flat with my legs splayed out behind me brings chuckles and ideas that it is a trait of Lhasa Apsos....and it is also seen in Cocker Spaniels, and other breeds. I think it is just because I like to cool my belly and rest my hips. I keep everyone entertained by running at break-neck speed and, at the last minute, flattening my body to coast in, landing in position. Saves time. Don't have to turn in circles and find just the right spot. Any old spot will do.
Another trait the chatting humans notice is my underbite.
This is also a trait of Lhasa Apsos and Shih Tzus.

Here is photo of Cockapoos I found on the Internet. Hmmmm....there are some differences..... These guys look a lot like my friend, Sammy.
Here is an Internet photo of a Lhasa-Poo puppy
And here is a photo of a Shih-Poo
I definitely have Poodle hair and hardly shed. I have not really found any other dogs that look just like me, so I guess that makes me an original. All that really matters is that I am lovable, smart, fun, cute, gregarious, and obedient (well, most of the time :)
Who do you think I am?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wow! I have been discovered. I don't know why there is advertising on my blog and I don't know how to get rid of it. So, please forgive me if you end up on an advertised site. It is rather like being at the dog park, you have to be careful what you step in. Non of this is authorized by me.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My Saturday morning trainings are really quite fun. I get to see a lot of dogs and some are friends from the dog park. There are only eight in my class, but there are three classes, so there is a lot of coming and going before and after class. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to play with each other even though our humans get to talk and laugh with one another.
Some people call our classes "Dog Training" but it is as much the training of our humans as it is of us. MFM and I work quite well together because I am so smart. I pay attention most of the time but have to admit I am easily distracted. I also get tired from constantly trying to figure out what I am supposed to do. There are so many smells and so much activity, that I really want to just be left alone to explore it all.
In spite of everything, I have learned a lot. I can sit, stay, lie down on all fours, come when called (well, most of the time), and try to sit and behave when another dog or person walks by. I answer to my name and am learning that I cannot play during class, although I do occasionally find a nice stick to carry around and chew on. At home I can also fetch and wait. I sit and wait to be invited to enter the car or house and even wait to be invited to eat although it is right there in front of me. I think I am a pretty good fellow and making MFM happy is, usually, foremost in my mind. Now she is teaching me to shake hands.
My last class was a REAL challenge. I am now learning to walk right beside MFM and learn to turn when she turns. I would rather sniff and smell. I had learned how to work in the sniff 'n smell on our long morning walks. I would run ahead of MFM for the length of the leash, stop for a sniff 'n smell, then just before she got past me far enough to pull on the leash, I would run ahead again. It worked well for me! I enjoyed the fragrances and sometimes had time to pick something up to taste - an acorn, a clod of dirt, a stick, or (my favorite) a leaf. Now, that is very limited and I have to keep up when she is training us. Now, I have to "heel" or, as she puts it, "knee" since she thinks we might need to be even firmer on the training later. The good thing about it all is that I get TREATS!
No class this week but we learn something new next week. I can hardly wait.....

Some people call our classes "Dog Training" but it is as much the training of our humans as it is of us. MFM and I work quite well together because I am so smart. I pay attention most of the time but have to admit I am easily distracted. I also get tired from constantly trying to figure out what I am supposed to do. There are so many smells and so much activity, that I really want to just be left alone to explore it all.
In spite of everything, I have learned a lot. I can sit, stay, lie down on all fours, come when called (well, most of the time), and try to sit and behave when another dog or person walks by. I answer to my name and am learning that I cannot play during class, although I do occasionally find a nice stick to carry around and chew on. At home I can also fetch and wait. I sit and wait to be invited to enter the car or house and even wait to be invited to eat although it is right there in front of me. I think I am a pretty good fellow and making MFM happy is, usually, foremost in my mind. Now she is teaching me to shake hands.
My last class was a REAL challenge. I am now learning to walk right beside MFM and learn to turn when she turns. I would rather sniff and smell. I had learned how to work in the sniff 'n smell on our long morning walks. I would run ahead of MFM for the length of the leash, stop for a sniff 'n smell, then just before she got past me far enough to pull on the leash, I would run ahead again. It worked well for me! I enjoyed the fragrances and sometimes had time to pick something up to taste - an acorn, a clod of dirt, a stick, or (my favorite) a leaf. Now, that is very limited and I have to keep up when she is training us. Now, I have to "heel" or, as she puts it, "knee" since she thinks we might need to be even firmer on the training later. The good thing about it all is that I get TREATS!
No class this week but we learn something new next week. I can hardly wait.....

Friday, February 4, 2011
It's Snow Story
This is Sammy's dog park in December.
My friend, ABW's Cockapoo, is homeless! He was rescued in Colorado and his forever family loves him, but he is living with their friend who has three dogs already. He is grateful he has somewhere to go, considering the events of the past two days. His Forever Mom (HFM) came home to find him standing in the middle of the kitchen table. Ordinarily, that would get him in major trouble but since there was 4" of water on the floor, HFM understood. The pipes in their house broke and there was water everywhere. Poor Sammy.
Here is a photo of us from happier days.
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Sammy and I resting on the quilt HFD made. |
This is the view from my front door after our night of snow and sleet in February,
In front of my house - February 2011 |
This is a view of my backyard after the snow.
My back yard February 2011 |
This is Sammy's backyard in December.
Sammy's backyard - December 2010 |
At Sammy's dog park - December 2010 |
I thought I was getting out of the snow and cold when MFM took me to Texas, but there doesn't always seem to be a whole lot of difference. At least we don't have any broken pipes....yet.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Trip Tames a Monster
MFM opened a door and a monster grabbed her by the hand. It pulled her all over the house, all the while making a loud, roaring noise. The monster was much larger than I but I tried to protect MFM anyway. I barked and jumped and barked some more. I followed it around as it dragged MFM from room to room. I stood my ground in front of the monster as it roared toward me, then I jumped out of the way at the very last minute. Finally, the monster died. MFM took it outside and beat it then put it back behind the door where it lives. I saved her!
NOTE from Trip's "mom":
I vacuumed the house today and Trip chased the vacuum cleaner all around, barking at it and getting in the way. When will he learn?
NOTE from Trip's "mom":
I vacuumed the house today and Trip chased the vacuum cleaner all around, barking at it and getting in the way. When will he learn?
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Busy Day
Whew! What a day! MFM, her neighbor and I took our usual 3 mile walk this morning and I barely had time settle in when we got back home. I only had a little bit of breakfast because I had to save room for "treats". What's up with that?
A short time later, MFM whisked me off to the park pavilion. There were dogs there and some were my friends from the dog park, but I wasn't allowed to greet them. Next thing I knew all the dogs and their handlers were circled up and listening to a woman give instructions. I knew then that trouble was brewing. We had to learn to understand hand signals as well as verbal commands. I hope I don't have to obey EVERY time.
One dog used to be a reading companion. She would go to the library or the school and just lie around while a child read to her. Now she is deaf so she has to learn the hand signals. Wonder if the children will care that she really can't hear them.
We spent a whole hour learning to look at our handlers like we were interested in what they might say, sitting when they told us to, and racing to their sides when we were called. "Good citizen" training was what someone called it. It was soooo easy. The difficult part was keeping from being distracted. I got some really good treats so I might like to go back.
I managed to get a nap before MFM bundled up and took me to the dog park. Finally, I go to romp with Millie and my other friends. Sparky and I spent a lot of time tearing around while sharing custody of the green chartruese monster. Boy, do I like to get dirty. Guess a bath is in my not-to-distant future.
I have been fed and have napped, now it is almost time to go to bed. I might even be too tired to dream and snore.
A short time later, MFM whisked me off to the park pavilion. There were dogs there and some were my friends from the dog park, but I wasn't allowed to greet them. Next thing I knew all the dogs and their handlers were circled up and listening to a woman give instructions. I knew then that trouble was brewing. We had to learn to understand hand signals as well as verbal commands. I hope I don't have to obey EVERY time.
One dog used to be a reading companion. She would go to the library or the school and just lie around while a child read to her. Now she is deaf so she has to learn the hand signals. Wonder if the children will care that she really can't hear them.
We spent a whole hour learning to look at our handlers like we were interested in what they might say, sitting when they told us to, and racing to their sides when we were called. "Good citizen" training was what someone called it. It was soooo easy. The difficult part was keeping from being distracted. I got some really good treats so I might like to go back.
I managed to get a nap before MFM bundled up and took me to the dog park. Finally, I go to romp with Millie and my other friends. Sparky and I spent a lot of time tearing around while sharing custody of the green chartruese monster. Boy, do I like to get dirty. Guess a bath is in my not-to-distant future.
I have been fed and have napped, now it is almost time to go to bed. I might even be too tired to dream and snore.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Fun, Games, and Ridicule
Yesterday was a beautiful day after a weekend of rain and cold. MFM felt moved to work in the garden (yard) and I got to go along. I think she felt a little uneasy about my staying with her so she took me out on my leash. She couldn't hold on to everything so she finally connected my leash to the stairs near her. I managed to look very bored and very pathetic so, after ascertaining there were no deer, squirrels, or other interesting playmates around, she reluctantly let me loose to play in the yard. I was very good. I trampled in the dirt where she was pulling weeds until I found a stick she could throw so I could play fetch. We had a wonderful afternoon.
Just before we went inside, MFM found an old whiffle ball the children had left out. That is THE best toy! I can't easily get hold of it so it is a challenge. I chase it and she laughs and laughs. She says I look like a cat chasing a ball. Humph! The grossest of insults.
We got to go to the dog park today and ALL my friends were there. We chased balls and toys, had a circle of dogs with each chasing the other's tail, and raced everywhere. One lady bought a black fancy dress for her friend's dog, Millie, and they put it on her. Poor thing, she tried and tried to get it off while everyone laughed at her. Finally, Millie's mom took it off her. I got close enough to snatch it away and I ran and ran. I let Millie hang on to the other side of it and we made short work of that fabric.
Friends don't let friends face ridicule alone!
Just before we went inside, MFM found an old whiffle ball the children had left out. That is THE best toy! I can't easily get hold of it so it is a challenge. I chase it and she laughs and laughs. She says I look like a cat chasing a ball. Humph! The grossest of insults.
We got to go to the dog park today and ALL my friends were there. We chased balls and toys, had a circle of dogs with each chasing the other's tail, and raced everywhere. One lady bought a black fancy dress for her friend's dog, Millie, and they put it on her. Poor thing, she tried and tried to get it off while everyone laughed at her. Finally, Millie's mom took it off her. I got close enough to snatch it away and I ran and ran. I let Millie hang on to the other side of it and we made short work of that fabric.
Friends don't let friends face ridicule alone!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I Had a Hang Up
MFM says I am quite well-behaved and smart. It only takes me 2-3 times being told before I have learned the lesson. Of course, that doesn't mean I always do what is expected, but I have usually learned the lesson. MFM keeps me nearby most of the time because....well....I have gotten into a little, teeny bit of trouble now and then. I generally come running when she calls and sometimes I get a treat.
I don't get treats when MFM finds me sitting in her place on the sofa after I have been running in the mud at the dog park. She wipes my face and paws so I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't get treats when MFM finds me lying on the rug shredding pine cones from the basket at the entrance to the house. I have never gotten a treat for sneaking a wooden shoe out of its resting place so I can chew on it. She likes to know where I am at all times. I wonder why.
Tonight, I was happy MFM does keep a close eye on me. We had gone for a walk in the rain and I had just finished my obligatory racing in a circle through the rooms after she released me from my leash at home. I was still wearing the harness. She called several times from another room but I was very quiet and did not know what to do. She came into the room where I was but she didn't see me and left again, still calling out and becoming a little annoyed with my lack of response.I still didn't know what to do.
Finally, she came in again and looked around the room, searching for my hiding spot. Luckily, that is when she saw me. I don't know how it happened, but my harness had gotten caught on the sharp edge of the bed frame and I was hooked with it tight around my neck. It took some maneuvering to finally get the harness free so she could remove it. I only whimpered a little bit but she cuddled me and made everything all right.
Neither of us knew a harness could be so potentially lethal. I will only wear mine now when it is time for a walk.
I don't get treats when MFM finds me sitting in her place on the sofa after I have been running in the mud at the dog park. She wipes my face and paws so I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't get treats when MFM finds me lying on the rug shredding pine cones from the basket at the entrance to the house. I have never gotten a treat for sneaking a wooden shoe out of its resting place so I can chew on it. She likes to know where I am at all times. I wonder why.
Tonight, I was happy MFM does keep a close eye on me. We had gone for a walk in the rain and I had just finished my obligatory racing in a circle through the rooms after she released me from my leash at home. I was still wearing the harness. She called several times from another room but I was very quiet and did not know what to do. She came into the room where I was but she didn't see me and left again, still calling out and becoming a little annoyed with my lack of response.I still didn't know what to do.
Finally, she came in again and looked around the room, searching for my hiding spot. Luckily, that is when she saw me. I don't know how it happened, but my harness had gotten caught on the sharp edge of the bed frame and I was hooked with it tight around my neck. It took some maneuvering to finally get the harness free so she could remove it. I only whimpered a little bit but she cuddled me and made everything all right.
Neither of us knew a harness could be so potentially lethal. I will only wear mine now when it is time for a walk.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Gentle Giant
It was cold and rainy but MFM took me for a walk up the hill and part way along the regular route. We both loved the cool, crisp air and the quiet of the neighborhood. Not too many people venture out on a day like this. We knew the dog park would be too muddy, so a nice brisk walk really hit the spot.
The only other walker we saw was a man walking his Akita named Shogun. WOW! That was the biggest dog I have ever seen! He weighed about 120 pounds and was 28" high at the shoulder. He may have been big, but he was a teddy bear at heart. We just wanted to play and, had we been off the leashes, we could have run together. Shogun laid down to get to eye level with me and we tried to play a little. I could move faster than he could because I was so much smaller. I taunted but quickly jumped aside when Shogun reacted. I don't think he would have intentionally hurt me, but one innocent swipe of his big paw could have sent me into orbit.
Shogun doesn't frequent the dog park but I hope I meet that gentle giant on the trail again and next time, I hope MFM has her camera with her.
The only other walker we saw was a man walking his Akita named Shogun. WOW! That was the biggest dog I have ever seen! He weighed about 120 pounds and was 28" high at the shoulder. He may have been big, but he was a teddy bear at heart. We just wanted to play and, had we been off the leashes, we could have run together. Shogun laid down to get to eye level with me and we tried to play a little. I could move faster than he could because I was so much smaller. I taunted but quickly jumped aside when Shogun reacted. I don't think he would have intentionally hurt me, but one innocent swipe of his big paw could have sent me into orbit.
Shogun doesn't frequent the dog park but I hope I meet that gentle giant on the trail again and next time, I hope MFM has her camera with her.
A Vocation?
Yep! I was right. There was a bath in the offing.
Friday evening, after a good run with my friends at the dog park, I was lured into the back room for a bath. It wasn't as bad as last time since MFM has learned to give me treats during the stages of my bath. In fact, I went in, put my feet up on the side of the empty tub and looked in today. It didn't look so scary without the water.
After getting all cleaned up, we headed out Saturday morning to a meeting. MFM thinks it would be kool to spend some time as a therapy or reading dog. I don't know if I could sit still for two hours as a reading dog, but I wouldn't mind being petted and played with by any number of folk.
There were about 20 people at the informational meeting and most of them had their dogs with them. The people were not as friendly as the ones at the dog park and the people would not let all us dogs play together. What fun is that? They were an interesting group. When one dog began barking, most of the others chimed in. It was quite a chorus. I, of course, was quiet.
We should start our training in a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait.
Friday evening, after a good run with my friends at the dog park, I was lured into the back room for a bath. It wasn't as bad as last time since MFM has learned to give me treats during the stages of my bath. In fact, I went in, put my feet up on the side of the empty tub and looked in today. It didn't look so scary without the water.
After getting all cleaned up, we headed out Saturday morning to a meeting. MFM thinks it would be kool to spend some time as a therapy or reading dog. I don't know if I could sit still for two hours as a reading dog, but I wouldn't mind being petted and played with by any number of folk.
There were about 20 people at the informational meeting and most of them had their dogs with them. The people were not as friendly as the ones at the dog park and the people would not let all us dogs play together. What fun is that? They were an interesting group. When one dog began barking, most of the others chimed in. It was quite a chorus. I, of course, was quiet.
We should start our training in a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Colorado Rocky Mountain High
WHEW! Just returned at 2:30 a.m. from our week-long trip to Colorado Springs. It was a long drive up and back but I have to admit I slept most of the way. I got up occasionally to check out the window. Wonder if I could find my way back if I got lost? I got to ride in the front seat so I could watch MFM when I was awake. I think she was glad for my company since she kept reaching over and scratching my head. We stopped several times so I could eat, drink, and take care of business - oh, those wonderful smells!
ABW met us at her local dog park on the base at Ft Carson. It was dry and dusty, shirt-sleeve weather. ABW was accompanied by Abs and their dog, Sammy. Sammy is a male cockapoo as well. He is twice my size, cream-colored with a touch of apricot, and very furry. I especially enjoyed being able to get out and stretch my legs, but ABW's idea of meeting in a neutral place prior to going to their house, worked perfectly. Sammy and I had an opportunity to get to know each other while running and playing.
By the time Sammy and I got to his house, we were fast friends.
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ABW's photo of us on Gunner's quilt |
Sammy shared everything with me, but not always willingly. We played chase in his fenced yard and kept MFM busy trying to keep me out of Sammy's food and Sammy out of mine. ABW gave each of us a trachea to chew on, but we both wanted the same one and took turns chewing on it until it was gone. Then we fought over the other one. They kept saying we were just like little children. Hmmmm, wonder why they thought that.
Three of our visiting days involved snow, ice , and very cold weather. I wanted to go outside, but when MFM opened the door, I just couldn't make myself do it. MFM didn't take "no" for an answer. Eventually, I quite liked trotting around in the snow and ice and when I went back inside the house, MFM would wrap me in a towel and hug me until I stopped shivering.
I am learning a lot -
"Stay out of the kitchen!"
"Leave it!"
"Good boy!"
And the inevitable - "Ehych!!"
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