Friday, May 10, 2013

My Rating Goes Up

I only had a "Predictable" rating as a therapy dog. While that allowed me into the nursing homes and participation in the R.E.A.D. program, it did not allow me to visit the hospital. Therefore, MFM signed me up for a refresher course in advanced dog training.

I excelled, of course, having never forgotten the first training. I have to admit to being a little obnoxious about my expertise and didn't feel I needed to pay as much attention as the other participants. I did, however, manage to contain my enthusiasm and pass the test with a "Complex" rating. The only hang-up was when I had to "leave it" and the object they put in front of me was a soft toy that I love to play with!

Now, to get the paperwork in and set up some visits. It sure is a lot of hard work to be able to volunteer.

I have continued my reading schedule at the elementary school and was invited to a brunch as a thank you. MFM had to go along to hold my leash. She was pretty surprised when I managed to slip out of it a couple of times. Didn't stop me. There were so many tidbits on that cafeteria floor that I wasn't going very far, very fast. People couldn't see the little bits of food, but my sniffer is exceptional and led me right to them!

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